ScheduleCleaner for Primavera Project XER Schedue Files

Figure 1: Project Risk Management and Risk Analysis for All Disciplines
Remove or anonymize sensitive data from Primavera XER & XML Schedules. Schedule Cleaner is a desktop application, which allows project schedulers, planners, managers, and other users to remove, convert or anonymize sensitive data within XER and XML project files exported from the Oracle Primavera P6.
Maintain Project Security while Sharing Primavera Data
When project information is communicated with project stakeholders there is often the need to limit access to specific data for certain viewers. When working with multiple contractors on a project, not all contractors necessarily need to see data such as material costs or expenses of an activity that they are not performing which can be found in the XER or XML schedule. Schedule Cleaner is a tool that Help Securely Share Confidential and Sensitive Data in Project Files.
Someone from the PMO office, who receives the project plan to check and report on specific Activity progress, does not necessarily need to know the Labor costs or salary details of his colleagues contained within an .XER or .XML file
Clean and Optimize Primavera XER and XML files
To ensure the privacy and the confidentiality of sensitive data that are included in your project export data files, ScheduleCleaner acts as a cleaning tool for you. Schedule Cleaner allow you to remove or anonymize specific categories of data values within your project schedule files such as *.XER and *.XML files and project plans *.MPP files as well.
Create a Filtered Copy of Project Schedules
ScheduleCleaner produces a filtered copy of the original XER file, without damaging the schedule integrity and logic. This principle ensures that the original file remains unchanged and the end-user receiving the filtered copy of the project has access only to information that the owner has allowed to remain in the filtered version of the schedule.
Schedule Cleaner
By using ScheduleCleaner tool, users can:
- Anonymize the Primavera Resource Names: Mask and shield your Resource names and other confidential project data to stay aligned privacy regulations while sharing schedule data with other parties
- Convert Global to Project Data: Prepare your file for database import. Remove or convert unwanted Primavera P6 Activity Codes, Global to Project Calendars and ensure your database remains unpolluted
- Remove POBS Data from XER File: Clean POBS tables from XER files and reduce the file size which leads to improved database load times and performance during imports of external files
- Tab between cost-schedule based views with ability to drill down through integrated tree control and filter by task or resource
Key Benefits of Schedule Cleaner
- Filtera out unwanted parts of Primavera Schedules
- Creates a copy of Project, which can be shared without any concerns
- Ensures data privacy throughout Primavera Schedule Data distribution
- There are many variations that can be used by removing private project data
ScheduleCleaner is very essential for companies who are sharing their sensitive project data to third parties and other stakeholders. It enables you to hide some parts of Primavera project schedule XER files, which should be kept confidential or internal.